12.8.2020 - CSM Cloud, CSM Cloud for Servers and CSM for WSUS have an issue with Windows 10 2004 versions [SOLVED]

Update on 12.8.2020

This issue was fixed by Microsoft in KB4561616 on 9.6.2020.

Update on 29.5.2020

As a result of further investigation, it appears that server operating systems are not affected by the problem. So CSM Cloud for Servers users don't need to take any action regarding this issue. The article has been updated in this regard.


We have detected a functionality error between just released Windows 10 2004 version and Centero Software Manager Cloud and CSM for WSUS, which prevents 3rd party app deployment through CSM products mentioned. So 3rd party app patching through CSM doesn't currently work on endpoints running Windows 10 version 2004 as operating system.

We're investigating the issue with Microsoft support team and will update this article when anything new comes up.

What should you do?

CSM Cloud

We prevented this Windows version deployment from CMS Cloud and we advise our CSM Cloud customers to not install the new Windows 10 2004 version on their endpoints from other sources, while we are resolving the problem.


CSM for WSUS customers should disable automatized Windows 10 feature update rules from their WSUS until further instructions are delivered. You can read instructions here. Just do it in a reverse order.


If the new version of Windows 10 has been installed on some of your computers, we recommend you to rollback to previous version of Windows. Here's instructions you can follow to do that.

What next?

Stay tuned and follow this article for updates.

You can always contact our Support for further questions.