Task sequence list is greyed out in CSM even though you have a task sequence and a group inside the task.
Solution 1:
Make sure CSM's service account has Operating System Deployment Manager role assigned in Configuration Manager
Solution 2:
Reload Configuration Manager information from SCCM Integration -> SCCM Settings -> General settings tab
Solution 3:
Inspect C:\ProgramData\Centero\Software Manager\Logs\SCCM-Management-errors.log file and see if there are any error messages.
- If you can see an error message with status code 2147749890, follow Microsoft's instructions to solve the issue:
- After you've completed the repair steps open up Configuration Manager console as a CSM's service user and select Connect via Windows PowerShell. Run the following command and see if you get a list of your tasks Get-CMTaskSequence -fast | Select-object Name
- Go back to CSM and try Solution 2 again
- After you've completed the repair steps open up Configuration Manager console as a CSM's service user and select Connect via Windows PowerShell. Run the following command and see if you get a list of your tasks Get-CMTaskSequence -fast | Select-object Name