CSM Cannot Be Started

Error message:

Could not read MECM collections from C:\ProgramData\Centero\Software Manager\SCCM\SCCM Information.xml!

If your CSM for MECM integration was enabled, you can try the solution 1, but if integration was disabled (usually during first time configuration), use the second solution. 

Solution 1:

  1. Delete the following file:
    • C:\ProgramData\Centero\Agent\Modules\4.6\CMM\ThreshDir\schedule.CollectSCCMInformation.xml
  2. Wait one minute and SCCM Information.xml will be re-created.
  3. Start CSM for MECM.

Solution 2:

  1. Delete the following file:
    • C:\ProgramData\Centero\Agent\Modules\4.6\CMM\ThreshDir\schedule.CollectSCCMInformation.xml
  2. Edit C:\ProgramData\Centero\Agent\Modules\4.6\CMM\SCCM-Import.xml
    • Go to: <schedule name="CollectSCCMInformation" disabled="true" intervalMinutes="1440">
    • Change disabled="true" to disabled="false"
  3. Restart CenteroAgent service
  4. Wait one minute and SCCM Information.xml will be re-created.
  5. Start CSM for MECM.