Background Processes Description
For the Supported Applications included in the Centero Software Manager Service, the release will be done according to the process described below. For the Applications included in the Application Management Service, the phase related to version monitoring can in certain situations be left out.
The Provider has the right, at any phase of the process, to not release a version for a Supported Application, or release it with a delay, should the Provider notice any issues, related either to the deployment or function of the Supported Application, that could cause harm in the customer’s environment. These issues include, but are not limited to, the following:
- The Installation Package, released by the Application Provider, causes problems on devices.
- The Installation Package, released by the Application Provider, cannot update the previous version.
- The Application cannot be uninstalled after the installation.
The Provider shall inform the Customers of the aforementioned situations with service bulletins.
Version Check
The Provider checks the versions released by the application providers for the Supported Applications or the Applications included in the Application Management Service on Finnish working days at least once a day. If the application provider has released new versions for the Applications, they will move on to the Provider’s packaging process.
Packaging Process
The Provider takes the new version, released by the application provider, and completes a Packaging Job according to the best organizational practices. This means that for instance the following will be removed from the Application Package: The Application’s own automatic version updates, and additional consumer add-ons like commercial browser extensions and shortcuts for the user's desktop.
Any changes the Provider makes to the application provider’s Installation package will be documented, and are available for the Customers.
Internal Test Process
Once the Packaging Job is finished, the Provider runs a technical test on the Installation Package and checks the Application is installed, updated, and uninstalled as desired. The testing is reported, and the report is made available for the Customer.
In addition to the technical testing, the Provider will run a deployment test on each Centero Software Manager Product, checking the automatic deployment of the Application.
Release Process
If the Application passes the Provider’s Internal Test Process, the Application Package then goes through a malware scan, and the Application will be released for the Customers who have selected the Supported Application into their Service.
In all the Centero Software Manager Products that use the deployment system administered by the Provider, the Provider is responsible for transferring the released Application Packages into the deployment system, and for executing the deployment of the said Application Packages, according to the configurations the Customer has made in their Client Software, or in the Management Portal. In other cases, it is the Customer’s responsibility to make sure the Supported Application is transferred into the deployment system.