


Additional Application

shall mean a separate Application that somehow integrates with a packaged Application.

Additional Service

shall mean any additional service different from the standard form scope of the Service.


shall mean a third party computer program or the set of software that the Customer has acquired a valid right to use as a tool for a well-defined purpose.

Application Package

shall mean an installation package, which is verified and modified by Supplier to be suitable for the Service purposes.

Application Packaging

shall mean a process of binding the relevant Applications to build a customized application for the Customer as part of the Service.

Application Packaging as a Service

shall mean a continuous customer-specific Application Packaging service to be supplied by the Supplier as Additional Service based on Customer's order.


Background Application

shall mean an application, that is executed on a platform in the background of CSM. Platform may be owned by Customer or Supplier depending on occurrence.


Centero Portal

shall mean Supplier's web based tool that is used to manage the Service.

Centero Software Manager

shall mean service which help Customers to enable fluent application usage by distributing new application versions to devices and handling Updating of old versions on devices. Centero Software Manager includes the features described in the Service Description and accessed through Internet as offered by the Supplier in accordance with the Service Description and/or specific offers by the Supplier.


Shall mean all computing devices (physical or virtual) with operating system cabable to run Operating Environment

Client Application

shall mean a Supplier's developed application, which is installed on Customer's Operating Environment to implement Product's functionalities.


shall mean service which help Customers to enable fluent application usage by distributing new application versions to devices and handling Updating of old versions on devices. Centero Software Manager includes the features described in the Service Description and accessed through Internet as offered by the Supplier in accordance with the Service Description and/or specific offers by the Supplier.

Customer Data

shall mean service which help Customers to enable fluent application usage by distributing new application versions to devices and handling Updating of old versions on devices. Centero Software Manager includes the features described in the Service Description and accessed through Internet as offered by the Supplier in accordance with the Service Description and/or specific offers by the Supplier.

Customer Portal

shall mean Supplier's web based tool that is used to manage the Service.

Customer-specific Application Package

shall mean an Application Package modified especially for the specific Customer.



Shall mean all computing devices (physical or virtual) with operating system cabable to run Operating Environment



Shall mean all computing devices (physical or virtual) with operating system cabable to run Operating Environment

Endpoint Management System

Shall mean 3rd party management systems that can be used to manage Endpoints


The Service is not functioning from its essential parts as described in the Service Description.


Installation package

contains all the information the installer application needs to install an application. That includes the application itself, as well as files that are used only during the installation processÿÿÿÿ


Main User

shall mean a Customer's person, who manages the Service and has user rights to use the Management Portal.

Management Portal

shall mean Supplier's web based tool that is used to manage the Service.


Normal Package

shall mean a Packaging Job Category, which includes every other Packaging Jobs except Packaging Jobs belonging to Suite Package Packaging Category.


Operating Environment

shall mean system requirements such as computer equipment, browser software and other third party software and Internet access or third party devices or software requirements which are referred in the Service Description with respect of Product required for the use of the Service to be used in Customer's own IT environment.


Package Class

shall mean a class of the Packaging Job, which is used for pricing and service levele purposes.

Packaging Category

shall mean a category of the Packaging Job, which is used for pricing purposes.

Packaging Job

shall mean working steps or process included to the single Application Packaging delivered by the Supplier.

Prerequisite Application

shall mean a separate application that is needed by packaged Application to properly work.

Preview Application

Preview App

shall mean applications that might be later added to the list of CSM Supported Apps. Purpose of Preview Apps is to increase the number of CSM Supported Apps. Preview Apps work similar to CSM Supported Apps, but they are free of charge. Delivery time of Preview Apps can be alter compared to Supported Apps. It's also possible that Preview App is removed from the Service, if there's no demand from customers. If Preview App will be removed, customers are informed in advance. Previews Apps are recommended to use only for testing purposes.

Preview Use

shall mean a use of preview version of Product, that is one form of Trial Use. Preview version isn't a fully functional or complete product version.

Preview Version

shall mean a preview version of Product, that is one form of Trial Use. Preview version isn't a fully functional or complete product version.


shall mean versions of Supplier's Centero Software Manager product(s) ordered by the Customer.

Product Update

shall mean a revised version of the Product or Client Application for correcting error and faults appeared after publication of the previous version of the Product or Client Application. Update may also include new features and functions.



shall mean service which help Customers to enable fluent application usage by distributing new application versions to devices and handling Updating of old versions on devices. Centero Software Manager includes the features described in the Service Description and accessed through Internet as offered by the Supplier in accordance with the Service Description and/or specific offers by the Supplier.

Service Description

shall mean written or electrical document describing the operation and functionality of the Service provided by the Supplier to the Customer.

Service Provider

shall mean an organization, which provides services for their own customers and may use CSM as a part of their own services or deliver it to its own customers in other ways.

Service Update

shall mean a revised version of the Service for correcting error and faults appeared after publication of the previous version of the Service. Update may also include new features and functions.

Sub Customer

shall mean an organization, which is Service Provider's customer.

Suite Package

shall mean a Packaging Job Category, which includes also Prerquisite Appilcations or Addition Applications in addition main Application. This catecgory also includes Packaging Jobs, that consists of several different Applications.

Supported Application

shall mean Application(s) which Supplier has included in the Centero Software Manager Service.


Trial Use

shall mean trial use and/or preview use of the Service or any feature or part provided free of charge to the Customer.



shall mean individual person(s) authorized by the Customer to use the Service on behalf of the Customer.

User ID

shall mean personal usernames and passwords provided for each User.



Shall mean all computing devices (physical or virtual) with operating system cabable to run Operating Environment